Thursday, March 29, 2007

First Bottle and 10 Weeks

Maddie had her first bottle today given to her by her Dad, I was really worried she wouldn't take it, but there were no problems. Look out Kev, I'm going to be expressing all the time now.
We have also started giving her a dummy occasionally as she has discovered her thumb, but her thumb and fingers are getting very red and sore so the dummy gives them a bit of a break.
We're off up North to Kev's parents tomorrow and then to the Lakes for a few days with Kev's brother and family.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Maddie has only put on 3 oz over the last three weeks which is not much but she is very happy and contented and the health visitor told me that its nothing to worry about.
We went to Bumps and Babes yesterday and she was the only girl again, four boys this time. The eldest baby was 12 weeks and the youngest 3 days younger than Maddie so they are still oblivious to each other.

Kev is in charge of bathtime, he also thinks he Vidal Sasoon as well, mohawk's are popular but Maddie also favours a side-parting.

Maddie loves her sleeping bag from Nanny Pen and Grandad Chook, its lovely and snuggly and means there are no blankets for her to kick off.

Friday, March 23, 2007

9 Weeks Old

Maddie was 9 weeks old yesterday and growing fast. She had her first immunisations on Tuesday, she was very brave and didn't cry too much but was quite cuddly and sleepy for the rest of the day.

so relaxed!

With her Cheer Bear, Care Bear from Uncle Sam, I use to have a Care Bear when I was little too.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Big Sleeper

Maddie had another 12 hour sleep last night, for the past two weeks she has been sleeping through the night most nights and if she does wake its normally 5.30 or 6am which is great. She is having a morning nap now and I haven 't heard a pep out of her which is amazing because Kev is drilling and sawing and making all sorts of noise right outside her door.

Shes back sleeping in her basket after I discovered her horizontal in her cot with her head up against the side twice. My auntie in NZ is going to make her a safety harness thing to sleep in which will be good.

Below is Maddie's "bottom lip" this tells us she's not happy and there will normally be tears to follow. Kev just laughs when she does it, such a mean Dad!!!

Having a cheeky sleep in Mum & Dad's bed

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hello Teddy

Thanks Nanny and Grandad for my Teddy

Waking up after her first sleep in the big cot

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

10 pounds now

Maddie is 7 weeks old tomorrow and she now weighs over 10 pounds and has grown 4cm in length since her birth.
Another big development is that she has slept through the night the past three nights, not just for 6 hours or so, but almost 12 hours, she has gone to bed at 7.30pm and has woken up at 7am. Shes a little star, great for me as a full nights sleep is definitely a bonus, except the past three nights I have been waking up to check on her because I can't believe she hasn't woken.
We went to Bumps and Babes today, just two other boys, apparently in our area twice as many boys have been born this year as girls. Thats good news for Maddie when she gets older, maybe we shouldn't tell her Dad that though! The coffee morning was actually in a house within a school, the womans husband is a teacher at this private school, which is huge, its a posh boarding school which lots of Prime Ministers have been too supposedly, it even has a mini St Paul's dome thing. Maddie slept though the whole thing practically and then had lots and lots of wind at the end which really impressed them!!!

All ready for the car

I call this the bunny rabbit pose.

What you lookin at!!

Mummy's little girl